Collaborative HR Business Partners
Analytical and Strategic Focus
Management of Operations

Communication and Presentation


Why, despite equal intellectual capacity, training, or experience, do some people excel while others with the same abilities don’t achieve the same level of success?  Emotional intelligence (EI/EQ) is the critical factor.  With better understanding of the connection between our cognitive and emotional intelligences, participants can become more effective at handling themselves, people, and situations with calm and confidence.  

Learning Objectives: After completing the program, participants will be able to understand the concept of emotional intelligence, its advantages and challenges; develop self-awareness and emotional control; discover ways to interact empathetically with others; and communicate positively to build collaborative efforts.  They will leave with direction on how to harness the energy of emotion to impact constructive outcomes.


Everyone encounters at leastone difficult person or situation to deal with at some time.  Handling conflicts, differences, and diverse personalities are a part of life, personally and professionally.  In this session, you will learn the skills needed to change interactions from ones of uncomfortable confrontation to those of effective conversation.

Learning Objectives: After completing the program, participants will be able to identify various behavior styles, understand and control their emotions, apply conflict resolution techniques, and communicate assertively to manage tough situations.  They will leave knowing how to keep issues and people from having a negative and stressful effect on them.


We communicate all the time, but are we achieving the results we want?  There are many communication mediums available today – in person, written (correspondence and email), telephone, video and teleconferences, etc.  The challenges are several: choosing the appropriate way to share a message; showing sensitivity to others; creating understanding; and focusing on results.  The rewards are many when interpersonal dynamics are managed properly and respectfully.

Learning Objectives:  Upon completion of this program, participants will be better able to communicate positively, choose appropriate communication tools, manage differences constructively, and build effective relationships.  They will leave feeling more confident in their ability to interact professionally with others.


A positive, confident image is the key to professional success.  The manner in which a message is presented influences the way others will respond – positively or negatively.  When individuals can overcome their anxiety, they can develop a presentation style that will capture their audience’s attention and gain results.

Learning Objectives:  At the completion of this program, participants will be able to prepare, organize, and present a topic effectively; use visual aids appropriately; and manage group questions and dynamics comfortably.  They will leave with powerful strategies for delivering their messages successfully.