Collaborative HR Business Partners
Analytical and Strategic Focus
Management of Operations

Ethics and Values


Respect. Ethics. Trust. These are fundamental core values upon which cultures of competency and character are built. How ethical are we in doing what is right, fair, honest, and legal? How do we instill a sense of trust in ourselves and others? How do we create and sustain relationships of civility and respect? The answers to these questions have a direct impact on team dynamics, morale, retention, productivity, and reputation.

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this program, participants will be better able to have a dialogue on respect, communicate constructively, understand ethical responsibilities, and apply the five waves of trust in their personal and professional lives. They will leave knowing how their behavior contributes to building a values-based organization.


Respect is universal – for all ages, all people, and all situations.  It is a quality that was once commonplace, but now seems to be missing.  Where did it go?  How do we get it back?  Since respect and courtesy are integral to building successful relationships, it is a behavior that should be modeled throughout an organization.

Learning Objectives:  After completing this program, participants will understand the importance of respect and its impact on team dynamics, morale, and productivity; recognize positive communication styles; resolve conflicts more constructively; and discover ways to incorporate the Cycle of Respect into their personal and professional lives.


Our society’s new reality presents both opportunity and challenge for highly diverse people to work together to accomplish organizational goals.  Through understanding and effective communications, people can learn to respect the unique nature of others and capitalize on the energy and talent that every person has to offer.

Learning Objectives:  After completing the program, participants will be able to better handle diverse work environments, overcome communication barriers, understand cultural differences, and develop productive relationships.  They will leave appreciating the differences and similarities that people bring with them every day.